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prof. dr. K.J. (Kees Jan) Roodbergen

Professor of Quantitative Logistics
Profile picture of prof. dr. K.J. (Kees Jan) Roodbergen

Kees Jan Roodbergen is professor of Quantitative Logistics at the University of Groningen, and Director of the Center for Operational Excellence (University of Groningen). He holds a MSc degree in Econometrics & Operations Research from the University of Groningen and a PhD degree from Erasmus University Rotterdam. He has been a visiting researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Virginia Polytechnic Instititute and State University (USA), and Université Laval (Canada).

His research interests include E -commerce Logistics, Warehouse optimization, Vehicle Routing, Traveling Salesperson Problem, and Inventory Management. He has applied various techniques from the field of Operations Research in practical studies. His methods for warehouse optimisation have been implemented in a Warehouse Management Systems.

Roodbergen serves on the Scientific Advisory Council of the Global Cold Chain Foundation, an organization aiming at improving the handling and logistics of cooled and frozen food products. Until 2013 he served as member for international affairs on the College-Industry Council on Material Handling Education in the USA. This council is affiliated with the Material Handling Industry of America and facilitates the information interchange between industry and academia. He was a jury member for a number of practice awards in e-commerce.

He has published his work in various academic journals, including Operations Research and Transportation Science. For his research, he has regularly received external funding. This includes funding for the projects PIONEER (TKI Dinalog, 2019), e-global (NWO, 2017), "Towards virtual ports in a physical internet" (NWO, 2015), "Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies" (Interreg IVB, 2013). In these projects he served either as main applicant or as co-applicant.

2011 - now
Professor of Quantitative Logistics at University of Groningen
2012 - now
Director of the Center for Operational Excellence (University of Groningen)
Ancillary activities
2021 - now
Member of the Program Board (TRAIL Research School)
2021 - now
2016 - now
Member of the editorial advisory board for the professional magazines Business Logistics and Value Chain Management
2015 - now
Teacher Masterclass E-commerce logistics (Logistiek Academy & Nyenrode Business University).
2008 - now
Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Global Cold Chain Foundation (USA).
Previous positions
Visiting professor at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada (3 months, research visit).
2008 - 2011
Visiting professor at Virginia Tech, department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (May - October)
2001 - 2013
Visiting professor at KEDGE Business School, Bordeaux, France.
2001 - 2008
Assistant professor at RSM Erasmus University
2000 - 2001
Instructor at RSM Erasmus University
Visiting scholar at Georgia Tech, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (October - December)
1996 - 2000
Ph.D. candidate at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Previous ancillary activities
2020 - 2022
Chair of the jury Shopping Awards, category Logistics
2020 - 2022
Member of Steering Group "City Distribution" ( Topsector Logistics)
2017 - 2020
Chair of Expert Groups at ShoppingTomorrow (
2015 - 2020
Member of "Klankbordgroep Cross Chain Collaboration Centers" (TKI Dinalog)
2013 - 2014
Member of the jury for the award " / PostNL Dynamic Delivery Award"
2011 - 2013
Member of the jury for the award "Webshop with the Best Logistics Operation"
2010 - 2013
Member of the College-Industry Council on Material Handling Education (USA).
Last modified:14 June 2023 10.41 a.m.