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Research interests

Kim Knibbe is Associate Professor Anthropology and Sociology of Religion at Groningen University. She is currently directing the project "Sexuality, Religion and Secularism" with Rachel Spronk (funded by NWO). She is now developing new research on pregnancy and reproductive governance. Previous research focused on Catholicism and spirituality in the Netherlands and on Nigerian Pentecostalism in Europe and the Netherlands. She has also published a series of epistemological, ethical and methodological reflections on studying religion ethnographically.


Secularist understandings of Pentecostal healing practices in Amsterdam: Developing an intersectional and post-secularist sociology of religion

Around Joan Scott's 'Sex and Secularism'

Religious Experience and Phenomenology

Nigerian missionaries in Europe: History repeating itself or a meeting of modernities?

Gender and power in contemporary spirituality: ethnographic approaches

Introduction: Gender and power in contemporary spirituality

The role of religious certainty and uncertainty in moral orientation in a catholic province in the Netherlands

Certainty and uncertainty in contemporary spirituality and Catholicism: Finding proof versus destabilizing certainties in popular religion in the Netherlands

Faith in the Familiar: Religion, Spirituality and Place in the South of the Netherlands

The role of spatial practices and localities in the constituting of the Christian African diaspora


Jomanda, Lady of the Light

Groningse Theologen zetten gezondheidsonderzoek in de etalage

The phenomenon of reverse mission/ Het fenomeen omgekeerde zending