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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. K.D.W. (Koen) Hendriks


Inhibition of Ferroptosis Enables Safe Rewarming of HEK293 Cells following Cooling in University of Wisconsin Cold Storage Solution

Cooling of Cells and Organs Confers Extensive DNA Strand Breaks Through Oxidative Stress and ATP Depletion

Mild hypothermia during cardiopulmonary bypass assisted CABG is associated with improved short- and long-term survival, a 18- year cohort study

The Effects of 6-Chromanol SUL-138 during Hypothermic Machine Perfusion on Porcine Deceased Donor Kidneys

Hibernator-Derived Cells Show Superior Protection and Survival in Hypothermia Compared to Non-Hibernator Cells

Gasotransmitters in health and disease: a mitochondria-centered view

Hydrogen sulphide-induced hypometabolism in human-sized porcine kidneys

Renal temperature reduction progressively favors mitochondrial ROS production over respiration in hypothermic kidney preservation

Differences in mitochondrial function and morphology during cooling and rewarming between hibernator and non-hibernator derived kidney epithelial cells

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Stapje dichter bij het transplanteren van mitochondriën?