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About us Practical matters How to find us J.R. (Juliette) de Wit, PhD

J.R. (Juliette) de Wit, PhD

Assistant professor

I'm currently involved in the following courses: Introduction to E&BE (bsc), Research Seminar for IB&M (msc.). I also supervise master theses in the field of ED&G.

I have been involved in the following courses over the past years: Business ethics (msc), Ethics and International Business (bsc)Cross Cultural Management (bsc), and Comparative Country Studies (bsc). I have supervised master theses in International Business and Management, bachelor theses in Economics and Business Economics, and bachelor theses in International Business. 

I also co-supervised the learning community "The social profits of the village supporter" together with Richard Jong-A-Pin in 2022. This is the project's website (in dutch).

Last modified:26 January 2024 4.35 p.m.