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A randomized clinical trial on zirconia versus titanium implants in maxillary single tooth replacement

Maxillary overdentures supported by four or six implants in the anterior region: 10-year randomized controlled trial results

Incidence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis in patients with a maxillary overdenture: A sub-analysis of two prospective studies with a 10-year follow-up period

Maxillary bar overdentures on four or six posterior implants: 10-year results from a randomized clinical trial

Four or six implants in the maxillary posterior region to support an overdenture: 5-year results from a randomized controlled trial

Maxillary implant-supported overdentures opposed by (partial) natural dentitions: A 5-year prospective case series study

Maxillary overdentures supported by four or six implants in the anterior region: 5-year results from a randomized controlled trial

Does a large dehiscent implant surface at placement affect the 5-year treatment outcome?: An assessment of implants placed to support a maxillary overdenture

A comparison between 4 and 6 implants in the maxillary posterior region to support an overdenture; 1-year results from a randomized controlled trial

A systematic review of implant-supported overdentures in the edentulous maxilla, compared to the mandible: How many implants?

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