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The European Commission and the “Europeanisation” of EU trade diplomacy: The case of EU-China relations, 1999–2021

Post-war manifestations of Euroscepticism in Germany and the Netherlands, 1950-2021: A comparative approach

The Netherlands' objections to Romania's Schengen accession, 2003-2019

The pragmatic European: An analysis of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte's EU discourse

Europa in 2021: woelig en toch stabiel

‘Hij is er over gaan *denken*’: Premier Mark Rutte en de Europese Unie tijdens Rutte III

A dream coming true: the Netherlands and the creation of the European Common Market, 1984-1989

De VVD en Europa gedurende de pioniersjaren: 1948-1972

Donald Tusk en de ontwikkeling van de Europese Raad

Introduction: Normative and Economic Dimensions of EU-East Asia Relations

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Een jaar Juncker: ambitie, activisme en afhankelijkheid