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Carbon and nutrient cycling in Antarctic landfast sea ice from winter to summer

DMSP production, primary productivity and community composition in new year sea ice in the Weddell Sea

Macronutrient biogeochemistry in Antarctic land-fast sea ice: Insights from a circumpolar data compilation

Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Ecosystem

Thin and transient meltwater layers and false bottoms in the Arctic sea ice pack: Recent insights on these historically overlooked features

Deciphering the properties of different Arctic ice types during the growth phase of MOSAiC: Implications for future studies on gas pathways

On the phenology and seeding potential of sea-ice microalgal species

Species-level differences in osmoprotectants and antioxidants contribute to stress tolerance of Quercus robur L., and Q. cerris L. seedlings under water deficit and high temperatures

Annual patterns in phytoplankton phenology in Antarctic coastal waters explained by environmental drivers

Implications of sea ice management for Arctic biogeochemistry

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Five projects break the ice on Antarctic research

12 Dutch subprojects awarded in European biodiversity programme

Grote impact smeltend zee-ijs op ecosystemen van de Noordpool

Deze Groningse onderzoeker laat zich invriezen op de Noordpool

Awesome places: Antarctica - Finding algae under the ice

NICO Expedition

Smelten de gletsjers?

Koud kamp - Onderzoek doen op Antartica is zo vervelend nog niet

Zicht op de cycli van de ijskoude zee

Zeecontainers als mobiele labs

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