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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.S.M. Hobbelen


Non-pharmacological interventions feasible in the nursing scope of practice for pain relief in palliative care patients: a systematic review

Toward consensus on pain-related content in the pre-registration, undergraduate physical therapy curriculum: a Delphi-study

A Qualitative Evaluation of the Implementation of an Oral Care Program in Home Care Nursing

Dementia in people with severe/profound intellectual (and multiple) disabilities, and its natural history

Diagnostisch hulpmiddel dementie bij mensen met (zeer) ernstige verstandelijke (en meervoudige) beperkingen: ontwikkeling en eerste praktijktoets

Diagnostisch hulpmiddel dementie bij mensen met (Z)EV(M)B voor gedragskundigen en psychodiagnostisch medewerkers

Efficacy of Dance Intervention for Improving Frailty Among Chinese Older Adults Living in the Community: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Experiences of social frailty among rural community-dwelling and assisted-living older adults: A qualitative study

Frailty, Quality of Life, and Loneliness of Aging in Native and Diasporic Chinese Adults

Nursing home geriatric rehabilitation care and interprofessional collaboration; a practice-based study

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