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J. (Janis) Oomen

PhD student
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September 2023-present: PhD candidate in Ancient History, University of Groningen

  • Working title: Traditions of the Past, Innovations of the Present. Identity Formation in the Inscribed Funerary Monuments of Roman Sicily
  • Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Onno van Nijf and Prof. Dr. Sofia Voutsaki

2021-2023: Research MA in Ancient History, Leiden University (cum laude)

  • Thesis: Somewhere in-between. The alumni of Roman Italy as part of an informal fosterage system and their position within the Roman household

2018-2021: BA in History, Leiden University (cum laude)

  • Thesis: Identiteiten vereeuwigd. Sociaalwetenschappelijke theorieën als interpretatieve kaders voor de representatie van vrouwelijke vrijgelatenen op grafmonumenten uit Romeins Italië (On the self-representation of freedwomen in funerary monuments from Roman Italy)

2016-2020: BSc in Psychology, Leiden University

Last modified:08 May 2024 12.53 p.m.