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De versterking van de kennisinfrastructuur rondom preventie: handreiking analyse en aanbevelingen (NFU paper)

Inequality in an Equal Society

Sarcopenia augments the risk of excess weight on COVID-19 hospitalization: A prospective study using the Lifelines COVID-19 cohort

Using data on biomarkers and siblings to study early-life economic determinants of type-2 diabetes

Contouren van een nieuw gezondheidsstelsel

Contours of a new health system: The competition is over

Do differences in sport participation contribute to socioeconomic health inequalities? Evidence from the Lifelines cohort study on all-cause mortality, diabetes and obesity

Life years lost for users of specialized mental healthcare

Mental health over the life course: Evidence for a U-shape?

Socio-economic gradients in diagnosed and undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes and its related health complications

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Gezondheidseconoom: 'Verband niet aangetoond, hoge zorgkosten rond industrie wel zorgelijk'

Coalitie wil eigen risico halveren: "Zet nog meer druk op de zorg"

Kabinet wil eigen risico halveren, maar daar zitten veel haken en ogen aan

One Groninger after another comes up with plans to make life better in the earthquake area

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