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J.M.M. (Jorick) Post, MSc

PhD student

SUpporting acceptance of automated VEhicle (SUaaVE)

The goal of SUaaVE is to increase public acceptance of connected automated vehicles (CAV; L5 automation) within the EU by using a human-driven design approach. SUaaVE focuses on the human side, working to improve more “intangible” aspects such as safety perception, attitudes, and emotional appraisal of CAV for both future users, as well as other road users.

SUaaVE consortium besides RUG:

  • Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia
  • Vedecom
  • Ficosa
  • Centro Ricerche Fiat
  • Bordeaux INP
  • Technical University of Munich


Funded by the EU (Horizon 2020 grant)

Project website:

Last modified:07 June 2023 10.45 a.m.