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Intermuscular coherence during co-contraction eliciting tasks as a biomarker for dystonia and GPi-DBS efficacy

11C-Methionine uptake in meningiomas after stereotactic radiotherapy.

Accelerometric quantification of MDS-UPDRS bradykinesia measurements in PD patients: A pilot study

Connecting the dots: A systematic review on coherence analysis in dystonia

Consensusverklaring diepe hersenstimulatie bij obsessieve-compulsieve stoornis

Cross-sectional screening for inflammation in tinnitus with near-normal hearing

Deep brain stimulation in dystonia: The added value of neuropsychological assessments

Diagnostic value of transcranial doppler to predict delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: To predict delayed cerebral ischemia

Dural arteriovenous fistulas are not observed to convert to a higher grade after partial embolization

Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas With Cognitive Impairment: Angiographic Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes

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UMCG begint met hersenimplantaat bij psychiatrische stoornis

UMCG begint met hersenimplantaat bij psychiatrische stoornis