prof. dr. ir. J.M.A. (Jacquelien) Scherpen

Jacquelien M.A. Scherpen received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Twente, The Netherlands, in 1990 and 1994, respectively in the field of Systems and Control. Her thesis was entitled: "Balancing for nonlinear systems". From 1994 to 2006 she was at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. First, she was a post-doc both in the Circuits and Systems and Control Engineering groups of Electrical Engineering, followed by an assistant (1995) and associate (1999) professorship in the Control Engineering group. In 2003 the group merged into the Delft Center for Systems and Control of Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Since September 2006 she holds a professor position at the University of Groningen in the Engineering and Technology institute Groningen (ENTEG) at the faculty of Science and Engineering. From 2013-2019, she was research director of ENTEG. She is member of the Jan C. Willems Center for Systems and Control of the faculty of Science and Engineering. From 2016 to 2023 she was also director of the Groningen Engineering Center, the Center that unites all engineering related research and teaching at the University of Groningen. Per 1 September 2023, she is rector magnificus of the University of Groningen
Visiting positions
She has held visiting research positions at the Universite de Compiegne, France, SUPELEC, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, the University of Tokyo, Japan and the Old Dominion University, VA, USA.
Research interests
Her research interests include model reduction methods for networks of systems, nonlinear model reduction methods, realization theory, nonlinear control methods, with in particular modeling and control of physical systems with applications to electrical circuits, electro-mechanical systems, mechanical systems and smart energy systems. Recently, her research interest focusses as well on distributed (optimal) control methods for smart grid applications. Industrial and space applications are also included in her interests.
Editorial positions in journals
She has been an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, of the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, and of the IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information. She is currently member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
A selection of conference organisation activities: she has been International Program Committee chair of the European Control Conference 2021 and 2023, IFAC LHMNLC 2015 and 2024, IFAC ACNDC 2024. Furthermore, she was general co-chair of the MTNS 2014 in Groningen.
(Inter)national positions and memberships
She was member of the board of the Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC) 2015 - 2023, vice president 2018-2019, president 2020-2021 and past president 2022-2023 of the European Control Association (EUCA), vice-chair of the Publications Committee of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) 2017-2020, and since 2020 council member of the IFAC, member of the board of Governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society in 2017 and 2019-2021, EUCA liaison of the IEEE CSS 2021 - 2023, chair of the IEEE CSS standing committee "Women in Control" 2020, chair of the SIAM Activity Group Control & Systems Theory 2022-2023, and since 2015 member of the Steering committee of the MTNS (Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems). From 2020 until October 2023 she is appointed as Captain of Science of the Dutch High Tech Systems and Materials Top Sector.
Honors and prizes
- On Friday 26 April 2019, Jacquelien Scherpen has been appointed Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion. She received this honorably distinction as "international pioneer in her field who is widely acclaimed for her excellent personal achievements and great societal reputations. She is known as a very gifted, enthusiastic scientist and teacher, a source of inspiration to students and a strong researcher with a tremendous drive for finding innovative solutions to challenging problems stemming from professional practice. She contributes significantly to the development of new technologies that are indispensable for highly socially relevant applications, such as robotics, digital factories and smart energy grids. She is the driving force behind the strengthening and broadening of engineering research and teaching in Groningen." Click here for the full information.
- In 2020 she won the Automatica best paper prize 2017-2020 for the 2019 paper "Balanced truncation of networked linear passive systems" with Xiaodong Cheng and Bart Besselink.
- Jacquelien Scherpen is fellow of IEEE.
- In 2023 she won the Prince Friso Engineer of the Year award. Click here for the information on the University website. For a few interviews in Dutch, please check my Dutch website.
Some popular videos:
Video for CampusTV, April 2023: Click here
Video for the Prince Friso Engineer of the Year award, February 2023: Click here
Imaginary exhibition Science Linx, juni 2017 (in Dutch): Click here
Video Groningen Engineering Center, najaar 2016: Click here
Web class Smart Grid (28 minutes, autumn 2015): Click here
Shortened version of the web class Smart Grid (23 minutes, autumn 2015): Click here
Interview NChannel TV, November 2015 (in Dutch): Click here.
Smart Industry Webinar 10 juni 2015 (in Dutch): Click here
Short version Smart Industry Webinar (in Dutch): Click here
Adams Appel 11 June 2011 (in Dutch):
Some scientific presentations:
Semi-plenary lecture European Control Conference 2015, Linz about smart energy systems: Click here. Download the slides here.
Keynote presentatie American Control Conference 2017, Seattle, over model reductie van netwerken: Click here. Download the slides here.
Presentation at the LMS Durham Workshop on Model Reduction 2017, about singular perturbations, the port-Hamiltonian, the hyperbolic and non-hyperbolic case: Click here. Download the slides here.
Presentation at the BIRS Banff workshop about singular perturbations, the port Hamiltonian, the hyperbolic and non-hyperbolic case and pde's: Click here
Presentation at the IFAC TC Nonlinear Control Systems 2022 about Krasovskii Passivity, Control Methods and Applications to Switching Circuits: Click here
Relevant webpages:
Last modified: | 30 August 2023 2.00 p.m. |