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Incidence of Isolated Biliary Atresia during the COVID Lockdown in Europe: Results from a Collaborative Project by RARE-Liver

Neurodevelopment in patients with biliary atresia up to toddler age: Outcomes and predictability

The Early Motor Repertoire in Preterm Infancy and Cognition in Young Adulthood: Preliminary Findings

Controversies in Choledochal Malformation in Children: An International Survey among Pediatric Hepatobiliary Surgeons and Gastroenterologists

Intestinal Oxygenation and Survival After Surgery for Necrotizing Enterocolitis: An Observational Cohort Study

Parental wellbeing after diagnosing a child with biliary atresia: A prospective cohort study

Surgical Outcome of Children with a Malignant Liver Tumour in The Netherlands: A Retrospective Consecutive Cohort Study

Unusual Long Absence of Isolated Biliary Atresia in COVID Lockdown: Coincidence or Association?

Aandoeningen van lever, galwegen en pancreas bij kinderen

A Higher Incidence of Isolated Biliary Atresia in Rural Areas: Results from an Epidemiological Study in The Netherlands

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