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J.H. (Jaap) de Wilde

Professor of International Relations and Security Studies
Profile picture of J.H. (Jaap) de Wilde

Courses at the University of Groningen:

BA IRIO: “International Organization”; "Theory of IR".

MA IRIO International Security Studies: “Capita: International Security”; “Research Seminar: Power Configurations in World Politics”; “Advanced Theory of IR”; "Research Seminar: European Security Discourses from a Global Perspective"; MA-thesis supervision.

MA IRIO Global Governance: “Capita: Global Governance”; MA-thesis supervision.

Research Master Modern History & IR: “Research Seminar: Themes, Trends & Topics”; Tutorials & MA-thesis supervision.

Graduate School for the Humanities: PhD-supervision.

Initiator and co-Director together with Dr. Anne Beaulieu and Dr. Chris Zuidema of the PhD Groningen Energy Summer School (2012-2017).

Organizer First PhD Winter School of the Dutch Peace and Conflict Studies Network (2023).

Selection of guest lectures: 'Security Studies: Securitisation Theory'; 'Security Studies: Human Security'; 'Security Studies: Environmental, Energy & Food Security', 'IR Theory in a Nutshell'; 'Perspectives on European Security'; 'Global Governance and Democracy', 'The Ukraine Crisis', 'Sovereignty Issues in the Arctic Region', 'Urban Geopolitics'.

Last modified:03 June 2024 07.43 a.m.