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Cardiorespiratory fitness in persons with lower limb amputation

Centraliseren van zorg en onderzoek: call to action!

Het Integraal Zorgakkoord: zijn er gevolgen voor de MSR?

In beweging komen!?

Perceptions, experiences, barriers and facilitators regarding nutritional intake of patients with chronic limb threatening ischemia: a qualitative study

Surgical Techniques of, and Outcomes after, Distal Muscle Stabilization in Transfemoral Amputation: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis

Amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremity: The 2020 Dutch evidence-based multidisciplinary guideline

A scoping review on nutritional intake and nutritional status in people with a major dysvascular lower limb amputation

Bijscholing aan Oekraïners

De duivel en zijn handen

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