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Azithromycin as host-directed therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis - a randomized pilot trial

Vvax001, a Therapeutic Vaccine for Patients with HPV16-positive High-grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: a Phase II Trial

Clinical Validation of a Capillary Blood Home-Based Self-Sampling Technique for Monitoring of Infliximab, Vedolizumab, and C-Reactive Protein Concentrations in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Infliximab in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease: External evaluation of population pharmacokinetic models

Monoclonal antibody biosimilars for cancer treatment

Pharmacometabolomics may be the next stamp in the pharmacogenetic passport

Validation of a method for the determination of Aderamastat (FP-025) in K 2EDTA human plasma by LC-MS/MS

Capsules with Ileocolonic-Targeted Release of Vitamin B2, B3, and C (ColoVit) Intended for Optimization of Gut Health: Development and Validation of the Production Process

Pharmacokinetic Boosting of Kinase Inhibitors

Pharmacokinetics and Target Attainment of Antimicrobial Drugs Throughout Pregnancy: Part I-Penicillins


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