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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Fatigue in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial

The role of mindfulness and self-compassion in depressive symptoms and affect: A Comparison between Cancer Patients and Healthy Controls

Couples' Catastrophizing and Co-Rumination: Dyadic Diary Study of Patient Fatigue After Cancer

Associations of Daily Partner Responses With Fatigue Interference an Relationship Satisfaction in Colorectal Cancer Patients

The reciprocal relationship between daily fatigue and catastrophizing following cancer treatment: Affect and physical activity as potential mediators

Clinically distinct trajectories of fatigue and their longitudinal relationship with the disturbance of personal goals following a cancer diagnosis

De Cognitive Symptom Checklist-Work: een vragenlijst voor het meten van werkgerelateerde cognitieve symptomen

Immunological Challenges Facing Translation of Alginate Encapsulated Porcine Islet Xenotransplantation to Human Clinical Trials

Factors influencing work functioning after cancer diagnosis: a focus group study with cancer survivors and occupational health professionals

People with cancer use goal adjustment strategies in the first 6 months after diagnosis and tell us how

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