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J. (Júlia) Dos Anjos Marques, MSc

PhD Student
Profile picture of J. (Júlia) Dos Anjos Marques, MSc

Academic Education

2023 - Now

PhD in progress in Department of Spatial Planning and Environment, Faculty of Spatial Sciences (RUG)

Title: Sustainable Governance Goes South: Tracing Brazil's Institutional Changes in Socio-spatial Environmental Policy-making from 2002 to 2025. Promoter: Prof. Dr. Christian Zuidema. Supervisor: Dr. Daniella Vos.

2021 - 2023

Research Master's Degree in Spatial Sciences.

Specialization in Environmental and Infrastructure Planning

Title: Unravelling Brazil's Institutional Changes in Socio-environmental Governance from 2003 to 2023, Year obtained: 2023. 8/10. Supervisor: Dr. Daniella Vos. University of Groningen, RUG, Netherlands.

2014 - 2019

Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism

Title: Águas Lindas de Goiás/GO: A New Spatial Planning. 10/10. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Patrícia Silva Gomes. University of Brasília, UnB, Brazil.

Academic Initiative

Institutional Affiliation: University of Brasília, UnB, Brazil.

2019 - 2019
Position/Function: Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant for the 'Urban Planning' course in the Department of Theory and History in Architecture and Urbanism (THAU) of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.

2016 - 2016
Position/Function: Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant for the 'Architectural Design 3: Housing' course at the Department of Expression and Representation Projects (PRO) of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.

2015 - 2015
Position/Function: Outreach Project Scholarship Holder

Fellow worker for project development and debate incentive by the Sustainable Architecture Action Center (CASAS), Model Office of Architecture and Urbanism (EMAU).

Position/Function: Student Assistant

Student Assistant for the 'Digital Three-Dimensional Modeling in Architecture' course at the Department of Expression and Representation Projects (PRO) of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.

Position/Function: Student Assistant

Student Assistant for the 'Building Information Modeling - BIM' course in the Department of Projects Expression and Representation (PRO) of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.

Academic Outreach Projects

2017 - 2019

Pé na Estrada (Hit the Road)

The Pé na Estrada Project is a Complementary Activity of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Brasília. The proposal "from students to students" seeks to stimulate different experiences of the spaces studied in the classroom, in addition to seeking to instigate a new perspective, add diverse knowledge and expand the students' repertoire. In this sense, the project activities provide the student with practical experience, awakening their critical sense about architectural and urban production and actions to preserve the memory of Brazilian cities.

2015 - 2017

PATUA - Technical Assistance Program in Urbanism and Architecture

The Technical Assistance Program in Urbanism and Architecture - PATUA - intends to contribute to the advancement in the field of built environment technology by developing studies and projects in architecture and urbanism of projects with relevant social impact, based on demands and/or requests from organized communities.

2015 - 2017

ASAS - Social Actions in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism

The project "Social Action in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism" is linked to FAU - UnB and aims to contribute to reducing the informality of the construction process within the scope of RIDE (Integrated Development Region of the Federal District and Surrounding Area) using the integration between the University and organized communities in search of sustainable solutions that result in improving the quality of life of populations, having as their axis the problems experienced by the communities.

Awards & Recognition

Best Bachelor Thesis Project among Lusophone Countries in 2020, ArchDaily.


Outstanding Student Recognition, Leonardo da Vinci Educational Center.

Recognition for Contribution to the Aquatic Environment, Project AWARE.


Martin Luther King Junior Award, Frederick County Public Schools, Maryland, USA.


Outstanding Student Recognition, Leonardo da Vinci Educational Center.

Last modified:16 April 2024 5.05 p.m.