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J. (Jamie) Behrendt, LLM

PhD Researcher
Profile picture of J. (Jamie) Behrendt, LLM

Jamie Behrendt commenced her work as a PhD researcher at the University of Groningen in August 2021. Within the PhD, she empirically assesses how micro electricity grids should be regulated in the European Union in a way that maximizes legal certainty in the electricity sector to make an effective and efficient contribution to the energy transition.

Prior to the start of the PhD, she completed the LLM Energy and Climate Law as well as the LLM Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek at the RUG. During the Master, she was involved as a research assistant in the Energy law section, and a teaching assistant in the European law section. She was responsible for teaching working groups, which covered various courses, such as Introduction to European Law, European Law, Judicial Protection, Europees Recht, and Decision-making in the European Union. 

Last modified:29 June 2022 3.30 p.m.