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Identification of clinical disease trajectories in neurodegenerative disorders with natural language processing

Radiotherapy induces persistent innate immune reprogramming of microglia into a primed state

Genetic insights into immune mechanisms of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

Identification of neuropathology-based subgroups in multiple sclerosis using a data-driven approach

SALL1 enforces microglia-specific DNA binding and function of SMADs to establish microglia identity

The Netherlands Neurogenetics Database (NND)

Dissecting the limited genetic overlap of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease

Natural language processing and modeling of clinical disease trajectories across brain disorders

Diet-regulated production of PDGFcc by macrophages controls energy storage

Heritability Enrichment Implicates Microglia in Parkinson's Disease Pathogenesis

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Press/media De neurobiologie van psychiatrische aandoeningen

ERC Starting grant voor Inge Holtman - UMCG

UMCG Research podcast: The Netherlands Neurogenetics Database - A holistic research project

Psychosenet blog - Brams kennismaking – een interview met Inge Holtman

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