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Establishing central sensitization inventory cut-off values in Dutch-speaking patients with chronic low back pain by unsupervised machine learning

Olanzapine as a prophylactic antiemetic for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after general anesthesia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Temporal relationships between pain, functioning, and human assumed central sensitization in patients with chronic low back pain: a single-case design

ChatGPT in anaesthesia research: risk of fabrication in literature searches

Modulation of Pain Sensitivity by a Hyperventilatory Breathing Exercise and Cold Exposure Training

Olanzapine as an add-on, pre-operative anti-emetic drug for postoperative nausea or vomiting: a randomised controlled trial

Role of non-invasive objective markers for the rehabilitative diagnosis of central sensitization in patients with fibromyalgia: A systematic review

The effect of preferred music versus disliked music on pain thresholds in healthy volunteers: An observational study

Validity of the Central Sensitization Inventory to Address Human Assumed Central Sensitization: Newly Proposed Clinically Relevant Values and Associations

Buprenorphine/naloxone versus methadone opioid rotation in patients with prescription opioid use disorder and chronic pain: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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NTR Focus: Kun je je pijngrens verleggen met muziek? (Taylor Swift, Medicijn Tegen Pijn)

Nemo 100 jaar. Kennislink: Sambal tegen de pijn?

Nemo 100 jaar. Kennislink: Beïnvloeding van pijn

Pijnonderzoeker Hans Timmerman over de pijngrens: hoeveel pijn kan een mens verdragen?

Waarom de pijngrens voor iedereen anders is

Musik kann Schmerzen lindern – oder verstärken

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