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Copy Number Variant Analysis of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Genes in a Cohort of Dutch Patients With Cerebellar Ataxia

SEPT–GD: A decision tree to prioritise potential RNA splice variants in cardiomyopathy genes for functional splicing assays in diagnostics

Evaluation of a seven gene mutational profile as a prognostic factor in a population-based study of clear cell renal cell carcinoma

Feasibility of Follow-Up Studies and Reclassification in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Gene Variants of Unknown Significance

Functional investigation of two simultaneous or separately segregating DSP variants within a single family support the theory of a dose-dependent disease severity

Prevalence of intronic repeat expansions in RFC1 in Dutch patients with CANVAS and adult-onset ataxia

Validation of New Gene Variant Classification Methods: a Field-Test in Diagnostic Cardiogenetics

Diagnostic yield of targeted next generation sequencing in 2002 Dutch cardiomyopathy patients

A prospective study on rapid exome sequencing as a diagnostic test for multiple congenital anomalies on fetal ultrasound

Lessons learned from rapid Exome Sequencing(rES)as a standard diagnostic test in a prenatal setting for fetuses with ultrasound abnormalities.

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