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Integrative taxonomy reveals unrecognised species diversity in African Corypha larks (Aves: Alaudidae)

Cloacal microbiota are biogeographically structured in larks from desert, tropical and temperate areas

Immune function differs among tropical environments but is not downregulated during reproduction in three year-round breeding equatorial lark populations

No downregulation of immune function during breeding in two year-round breeding bird species in an equatorial East African environment

Reproduction, growth and immune function: Novel insights in equatorial tropical birds

Nest survival in year-round breeding tropical red-capped larks Calandrella cinerea increases with higher nest abundance but decreases with higher invertebrate availability and rainfall

Geographical and temporal variation in environmental conditions affects nestling growth but not immune function in a year-round breeding equatorial lark

Year-round breeding equatorial Larks from three climatically-distinct populations do not use rainfall, temperature or invertebrate biomass to time reproduction

Environmental proxies of antigen exposure explain variation in immune investment better than indices of pace of life

Erratum to Environmental proxies of antigen exposure explain variation in immune investment better than indices of pace of life (vol 177, pg 281, 2015)

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Roodkapleeuweriken in Kenia - Vogelstudie met een sociaal randje