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About us Practical matters How to find us prof. dr. ir. H.J. (Hero Jan) Heeres

Research interests

The research interests of H.J. Heeres concern the development of efficient catalytic technology for circular carbon conversions. This involves the use of biomass for biofuels (catalytic pyrolysis, pyrolysis oil upgrading), platform chemicals (levulinic acid, hydroxymethylfurfural), and performance materials. Recently, the group also started activities in the field of plastic recycling using pyrolysis technology. The group is actively involved in national and international consortia.


Hydroxymethylfurfural, A Versatile Platform Chemical Made from Renewable Resources

An efficient one pot conversion of glycerol to lactic acid using bimetallic gold-platinum catalysts on a nanocrystalline CeO2 support

Catalyst studies on the hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis oil

Methanol synthesis beyond chemical equilibrium

Mechanistic Insights into Polypropylene Hydrogenolysis Using Ni/Al2O3 Catalysts

Pyrolysis of Polyolefin-Enriched Mixed Plastic Waste Streams: Effects of Pretreatments and Presence of Hydrogen during Pyrolysis

An efficient, high-yield synthesis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from red macroalgae (Eucheuma cottonii) using HCl/AlCl3 as the catalyst

Biobased Chemicals from d-Galactose: An Efficient Route to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Using a Water/MIBK System in Combination with an HCl/AlCl3 Catalyst

Catalytic hydrotreatment of fast pyrolysis oils using Ni-Cu/Al-MCM-41 catalysts

Conversion of kraft lignin to hydrocarbons using an integrated molten salt pyrolysis/catalytic hydrotreatment approach


Spotgoedkoop zaagsel wordt bio-olie

Een veelbelovend gewas: gras

Friesland, Groningen en Drenthe, wereldwijd koploper groene initiatieven