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H.J. (Hedwig) Boer, MSc

Profile picture of H.J. (Hedwig) Boer, MSc

Since 2019 I have been a part of faculty-wide expertise center, called SCOPE. SCOPE focuses on the development and provision of education focused on personal and professional development for Bachelor's and Master's students who follow a course within FMW. Within SCOPE we develop various educational modules and make use of experimental forms of education, that have, including others, a philosophical and systemic approach. For more information, contact SCOPE

  • Member of SCOPE: expertise center within the Faculty of Medical Sciences, focussed on personal and professional development 
    Trainer in workshops for the bachelors Medicine, Movement Sciences and Dentistry
    Trainer in Research Master Programs (CPE/MMIT/IMIM)
  • UG Coördinator of and teacher in the transdisciplinary minor program "Expeditie het Gezonde Noorden", in collaboration with Hanzehogeschool and Noorderpoort Appingedam (ZonMW subsidised)
  • Teacher in the Minor Data Wise for the course 'Dynamics of multi-disciplinary teamwork' 
  • Teacher and Coordinator of the CPE course 'Societal Impact of Research'
  • Supervising Bachelor and Master students in various research projects.

Last modified:29 August 2023 10.08 a.m.