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Testing two-step models of negative quantification using a novel machine learning analysis of EEG

Effects of pupil size as manipulated through ipRGC activation on visual processing

Cognitive Stage Detection and Interpretation: discovering the Underlying Stages in Various Tasks Using Machine Learning Applied to EEG and MEG

Discovering the brain stages of lexical decision: Behavioral effects originate from a single neural decision process

EEG-based Identification of Evidence Accumulation Stages in Decision-Making

Strength Training Intensity and Volume Affect Performance of Young Kayakers/Canoeists

Are alpha oscillations instrumental in multisensory synchrony perception?

Can we directly observe stages of cognitive processing? HsMM-EEG analysis of a Visual Discrimination Task

Psychological characteristics of the value orientation system of armenians in title ethnos and russian diaspora

Соотношение гражданской и этнической идентичности у армянской молодежи с разной длительностью проживания в Армении

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