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Standardized Protocol for the Preparation of Precision-Cut Kidney Slices: A Translational Model of Renal Fibrosis

EP1 receptor antagonism mitigates early and late stage renal fibrosis

Prostaglandin E2 receptors as therapeutic targets in renal fibrosis

Editorial: Organ Fibrosis: Pathogenesis, Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets

Local inhibition of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase mitigates renal fibrosis

Tamoxifen attenuates renal fibrosis in human kidney slices and rats subjected to unilateral ureteral obstruction

Estrogen regulates aquaporin-2 expression in the kidney

Exploring organ-specific features of fibrogenesis using murine precision-cut tissue slices

Host microbiota dictates the proinflammatory impact of LPS in the murine liver

Inhibition of tyrosine kinase receptor signaling attenuates fibrogenesis in an ex vivo model of human renal fibrosis