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Adherence to single inhaler triple therapy and digital inhalers in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: a literature review and protocol for a randomized controlled trial (TRICOLON study)

Alternative Splicing Is a Major Factor Shaping Transcriptome Diversity in Mild and Severe COPD

Characterization of Moderate and Severe Asthma Exacerbations in the Captain Study

Effect of dietary interventions on markers of type 2 inflammation in asthma: A systematic review

Home noninvasive ventilation in severe COPD: in whom does it work and how?

Measuring burden of disease in both asthma and COPD by merging the ACQ and CCQ: less is more?

Nasal epithelial gene expression identifies relevant asthma endotypes in the ATLANTIS study

Reply to 'Therapeutic drug monitoring for isoniazid and rifampicin exposure'

Risk of Pneumonia in Patients with COPD Initiating Fixed Dose Inhaled Corticosteroid (ICS) / Long-Acting Bronchodilator (LABD) Formulations Containing Extrafine Beclometasone Dipropionate versus Patients Initiating LABD Without ICS

RSV-related Community COPD Exacerbations and Novel Diagnostics: A Binational Prospective Cohort Study

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Ontdekking biological die aantal longaanvallen bij COPD kan verminderen

Steeds meer mensen met longziekte COPD: ‘Men wijt klachten vaak ten onrechte aan ouderdom’

Steeds meer mensen met longziekte COPD: ‘Men wijt klachten vaak ten onrechte aan ouderdom’

Nascholingsmagazine Longziekten

Nieuwe data over Nederlandse Corona patiënten: ook (op het oog) gezonde mensen worden getroffen

Longartsen Noorden 'hartstochtelijk' voor verbod e-sigaret

Medische Publieksacademie: Help stopper met stoppen met roken

L'utilizzo regolare di budesonide e formoterolo risulta migliore rispetto all'impiego on demand

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