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Antigen presentation of post-translationally modified peptides in major histocompatibility complexes

Atypical cofilin signaling drives dendritic cell migration through the extracellular matrix via nuclear deformation

Catestatin improves heart metabolic flexibility by promoting mitochondrial structure and function

CD36 as a double-edged sword in cancer

Free radical detection in precision-cut mouse liver slices with diamond-based quantum sensing

Golgi pH elevation due to loss of V-ATPase subunit V0a2 function correlates with tissue-specific glycosylation changes and globozoospermia

Shrimp allergen extract immunotherapy induces prolonged immune tolerance in a gastro-food allergy mouse model

Two Receptor Binding Strategy of SARS-CoV-2 Is Mediated by Both the N-Terminal and Receptor-Binding Spike Domain

5-Ethynyluridine: A Bio-orthogonal Uridine Variant for mRNA-Based Therapies and Vaccines

A quantitative in vitro collagen uptake assay


Eeuwige inkt: waarom blijft een tatoeage voor altijd op je huid zitten?

ERC Proof of Concept Grant voor Harutyunyan en van den Bogaart

ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Harutyunyan and van den Bogaart

Vrije radicalen om sepsis vroeg te herkennen

Free radicals for an early diagnosis of sepsis

Biotech Booster subsidie voor FSE onderzoekers

Biotech Booster grant for FSE researchers

Negen Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks voor de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Nine Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks for the University of Groningen

University of Groningen Awarded NWO M2-Grant for Advancing Treatment of Blood Coagulation Diseases