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G.S. (Guru Swaroop) Bennabhaktula, MSc

Postdoctoral researcher
Profile picture of G.S. (Guru Swaroop) Bennabhaktula, MSc

Multimedia Forensics

Investigate how deep learning and image processing techniques can be used for source camera identification from digital images and videos based on sensor pattern noise. Studies are partially funded by the EU project 4NSEEK “Forensic Against Sexual Exploitation of Children” through the financing program Internal Security Fund – Police, ISFP-2017-AG-CYBER. 

Robust Image Classification

Investigate pre-processing techniques that would make the Convolutional Neural Networks more robust to unseen noise during model learning.

Robust Image Retrieval

Investigate efficient image retrieval algorithms and improve their robustness to unseen corruptions. Studies are funded by the Addendum 01 of the framework of the agreement between the University of León and INCIBE.

PhD supervisors

Last modified:03 March 2023 07.50 a.m.