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Immunogenicity phase II study evaluating booster capacity of nonadjuvanted AKS-452 SARS-Cov-2 RBD Fc vaccine

MET-receptor targeted fluorescent imaging and spectroscopy to detect multifocal papillary thyroid cancer

Systematic comparison of fluorescence imaging in the near-infrared and shortwave-infrared spectral range using clinical tumor samples containing cetuximab-IRDye800CW

A randomized phase I/II safety and immunogenicity study of the Montanide-adjuvanted SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-RBD-Fc vaccine, AKS-452

Dye-free visualisation of intestinal perfusion using laser speckle contrast imaging in laparoscopic surgery: a prospective, observational multi-centre study

EGFR-targeted fluorescence molecular imaging for intraoperative margin assessment in oral cancer patients: a phase II trial

Experimental evaluation of laparoscopic laser speckle contrast imaging to visualize perfusion deficits during intestinal surgery

Intraoperative molecular fluorescence imaging of pancreatic cancer by targeting vascular endothelial growth factor: A multicenter feasibility dose-escalation study

Postoperative muscle loss, protein intake, physical activity and outcome associations

Towards in vivo characterization of thyroid nodules suspicious for malignancy using multispectral optoacoustic tomography

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Ontwikkeling van lichtgevende speurstof in het lichaam

Help mee bij de ontwikkeling van een coronavaccin en krijg € 500,-

UMCG sucht Freiwillige zum Testen des amerikanischen Corona-Impfstoffs (Update)

Ruim 1500 mensen willen Amerikaans coronavaccin testen bij UMCG

UMCG zoekt vrijwilligers om Amerikaans coronavaccin te testen (update)

Annexin Pharmaceuticals AB initiates collaboration with TRACER for imaging studies

Bio-optische beeldvorming biedt nieuwe mogelijkheden

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