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dr. ir. G.H. (Gerald) Jonker

Profile picture of dr. ir. G.H. (Gerald) Jonker
Secretariat (Betsy van Rooij):


  • 2014 – current   Head Industrial Engineering Systems

The group Industrial Engineering System is at the core of engineering design education, in terms of course units and Bachelor or Master thesis work.

  • 2018 - 2020 Chair of USSE Board

Chair the board of the former Undergraduate School of Science and Engineering  in the transition to the new educational organisation. A key project of the Board was developing the FSE vision on Learning and Teaching, finalized in the report Experts Crossing Borders

  • 2016 - current Advicers role UG policy on Education 

Among which: Participation UG delegation on USA Field Trip 2019 (MIT, Harvard, ASU), Member Committee on Examination to prepare new strategy UG, Europen Network ENLIGHT Bordeaux, Participation Management part Accreditation UG, U4 conference Uppsala on International Classroom.

  • 2016 - current Member Green Office

Sounding board to University Board on sustainability

  • 2012 – current   Program Director Bachelor of IEM

In the Engineering Cluster of FSE, I am Program Director of the Bachelor of IEM. Key project was the curriculum reform of IEM Bachelor, aiming for curriculum coherence and more personalized learning path.

  • 2007 – current   Lecturer IEM

Bachelor course units: Orientation to IEM, IEM Methods and Design, IEM Integrated Design Project. Master course units: Sustainability for Engineers en Research Methodology. Supervision of Bachelor en Master afstudeerprojecten.

  • 2007 – 2012   Chair Program Committee IEM

Key issues were visitation of IEM (2012) and academic and engineering skills.

  • 2005-2011   Board member Dutch Process Technology Association (NPT)

NPT stands for Nederlandse Procestechnologen, which represents the chemical engineering community in the Netherlands. As NPT member, I participated in the organising committee of the annual Dutch chemical engineering conference, and, as secretary, in the second European conference on Producttechnology, in November 2004.

  • 2002-2003   Educational coach (part-time)

As trainer and educational advisor at the educational support department, I participated in restructuring the educational program for staff development.

  • 2000-2002   Lecturer (part-time)

Lecturer at Chemical Engineering for course units and practicals for Bachelor and Master Cycle.

  • 1997-2007   Independent consultant

Main focus was chemical engineering, for research activities and consultancy, such as for the four-year EU research project 'ASHLI'. Educational activities were on new course units of the recently founded IEM program of UoG.

  • 1991 – 1995   PhD

My thesis work was entitled ‘Hydrogenation of edible oils and fats’ (heterogeneous catalysis). Within my PhD, I had the supervison of twelve thesis work of Master students.


2016 - 2018   Educational Leadership Program

2014 – 2015   Senior Kwalificatie Onderwijs (Senior course on Educational training), University of Groningen

2013 – 2014   Academic Leadership, four day course at ‘hpf consulting’

2001 – 2002   Didactic education, ‘Basisopleiding RUG-docent’.

1991 – 1995   PhD courses.

1985 – 1991   Chemical Engineering at the University of Groningen.

Publications and reports

  • Experts Crossing Borders, FSE Vision on Learning and Teaching, USSE and GSSE Board report, chair
  • Invited key note lecture ´Learning and teaching IEM-engineering design in its social context´, the conference European Professors on Industrial Engineering and Management, Technical University of Graz, Austria, May 2014.
  • Education on (bio)chemical product and process technology as a design and science discipline, Oral Presentation, European Conference on Chemical Engineering, The Hague, April 2013
  • Engineering for Sustainability. A practical guide for Sustainable Design. G.H. Jonker and G.J. Harmsen. Elsevier, 2012. In 2013 translated into Spanish.
  • Training engineers to cope with complexity introduced by incorporating sustainability, G.H. Jonker and G.J. Harmsen, Engineering Education on Sustainable Development (EESD), Oral Presentation, 2010, Goteborg, Sweden.
  • Sustainability for Engineers: MSc course Personal professional assessment. Engineering Education on Sustainable Development (EESD), Oral Presentation, 2008, Graz, Austria.
  • ‘Seven essential steps for chemical engineering and product technology for the university of Groningen’. G.H. Jonker, H.J. Heeres en R.M. Voncken. Bijdrage aan het World Congress on Chemical Engineering in juli 2005 in Glasgow.
  • ‘Many facets of Product technology’. R.M.Voncken, H.J.Heeres, A.A. Broekhuis en G.H.Jonker. Chem. Eng. Research and Design, 82 (11), 1411-1424, 2004.
  • Readers for ‘Technologie en Maatschappij’, ‘Inleiding Procestechnologie’, ‘Meerfasen reactoren’, Orientatie TBK (Orientation to IEM), IEM Methods and Design.
  • Readers for educational support department of the University of Groningen
  • Reports of consultancy projects.
  • Hydrogenation of edible oils and fats. Thesis of University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands, 1999. Jonker, G.H. Four papers in Industrial Engineering Chemical Research.
Last modified:24 June 2022 11.39 p.m.