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prof. dr. G.C. (Gerry) Wakker

Professor of Ancient Greek Language and Literature
Profile picture of prof. dr. G.C. (Gerry) Wakker

Gerry Wakker (Haarlem, 1958) studied Classical Studies at the University of Amsterdam, where she graduated cum laude in 1985. She was awarded a scholarship to continue her studies at the École Normale Supérieure in Parijs (1986-1987). With the support of a Dutch scholarship she worked on the Lexikon des frühgriechischen Epos at the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae in Hamburg (Germany) from 1987 until 1989. As a researcher she returned to the University of Amsterdam, where she gained her PhD. She was awarded a cum laude for her thesis Conditions and Conditionals. An investigation of Ancient Greek.

Gerry Wakker joined the department of Classical Studies at the University of Groningen as a lecturer Ancient Greek Linguistics in 1991 and was promoted to senior lecturer in 2001 and to professor of Ancient Greek Linguistics in 2008. She is an active member of the research group Groupe de Recherche sur la Syntaxe Grecque (CNRS no. 1038).

Wakker joined the Faculty Board in March 2003 (as vicedean), responsible for the faculty’s degree programmes. From July 2009 - Nov 2019 she was dean of the Faculty of Arts, with special responsibility, first for education, and from 2011 on for research. In this function she was the chair of the DLG, the national council of the deans of the Humanities. From 2012 - 2019 she was prorector of the University of Groningen. From 2016 she functions as Chief Diversity Officer of the University of Groningen

Details Curriculum vitae



Name:                                                 WAKKER, Gerrigje Catharina

married to:                                          A.C.G. Kraft van Ermel

children:                                             3 (1988, 1990, 1994)

date of birth:                                       1958

place of birth:                                       Haarlem


education and diplomas

secondary school:                  Stedelijk Gymnasium te Haarlem. Diploma gymnasium-a (juni 1976)

university:                             University of Amsterdam. Classics (and teacher''s diploma), cum laude (1985)

                                              PhD (cum laude): 23 - 2 - 1994 (Condi­tions and Conditionals. An investigation of  Ancient Greek)

qualification:                            - Attestation d’inscription sur la liste de qualification aux fonctions de Professeur des                                                   universités en France  (24 maart 2000)

                                               -Basic Qualification Education (jan. 2012);Senior Qualification Education (june 2015)



Effectief managen voor vrouwen (1 dag, dec. 2008)

Inclusive Leadership (1 dag, november 2011)

Resultaat en Ontwikkelingsgesprekken (1 dagdeel; o.l.v. J.J. de Groot, Transmissie Training)

Leiding geven in tijd van bezuinigingen (2 dagen, januari en juni 2012; 2 dgn. o.l.v. Anne de Graaf)

U4 Leadership course (Groningen 23-25 mei 2012; Upssala, 10-12 oktober 2012; Gent maart 2013, Göttingen okt. 2013)

Leadership and Change in Higher Education ( 1 dag, Yvonne Steinert), 26 juni 2012

Senior Qualification Education (2014-2015)

Leadership Practicum Topmodele 'Authentic Eloquence' (28 May-1 June 2018)


work experience

1986 - 1987                           grant for PhD research,  École Normale Supérieure Paris.

1987 - 1989                          grant research project Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (Le­xikon des früh­griechischen Epos) in Hamburg.

1989 - 1991                          research assistant N.W.O.: PhD research

1991 - 2001                          lecturer Ancient Greek University of Groningen

 2001 - 2008                         senior lecturer Acient Greek Linguistics, University of Groningen 

2008 -                                    professor of Ancient Greek Linguistics, University of Groningen

2003- 1 July 2009                 vice dean (of education). Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen 

July 2009 - Nov. 2019          dean of the Faculty of Arts, Univesity of Groningen. 

 2012 - 2019                         prorector University of Groningen

2016 -  2019                         chief diversity officer, University of Groningen

2020 -                                   Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, University of Groningen

2021 - 2025 Scientific director national research school in Classics (OIKOS)

2021-2025 Chair of National Research Schools in the Humanities (LOGOS)


management experience

1992-94                                  Secretary Opleidingscommissie (Curriculum Committee) GLTC

1994-2003                              Chair Curriculum Committee GLTC

1994-95                                  Secretary section VO/WO (Vereniging Classici Nederland)

zomer 1995                            Member selection committee (NWO) researcher Thesaurus Linguae Graecae                                                                (Hamburg)

1995-2003                              study counsellor GLTC

1995-2001                              Chair section VO/WO (Vereniging Classici Nederland, VCN)

1995-2001                              Member of the Board, Vereniging Classici Nederland (VCN)

1995 - 2009                            Secretary Examination Board GLTC

1996- 2000                            Member Faculty Committee Education 

June - Dec. 2000                      member faculty comiittee Bachelor-Master  

2000-2003                              Chair Faculty Commmittee Education 

2002                                      Member Faculty Committee Minor 

2002-2003                               Secretary GLTC for the development of the BA program                                         (Herprogrammeringscommissie GLTC)

2003 – 2009                            vicedean Faculty of Arts 

2009 - 2019                            Dean Faculty of Arts

2010 – 2014                            Chair  DLG (Committee of Deans Humanities in the Netherlands) 

2012 - 2019                            prorector Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (2016 - 2019 chief diversity officer)

2020  -                                     chief diversity & inclusion officer 

2021 - 2025 Scientific director national research school in Classics (OIKOS)

2021-2025 Chair of National Research Schools in the Humanities (LOGOS)                                                 


other management experience

2003 - 2012                           member board AOG (Academische Opleidingen Groningen)

2008 -  2016                          member Board of advisers Chr Scholengemeenschap Vincent van Gogh

aug. 2012 -                            member Board  QANU (Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities)

2013 - 2014                             member Committee Accreditation  Universität Salzburg for AG (Agentur Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria)\

april 2015                              member midterm review committee

                                               - Free University Brussels, 26-27 April 2015

                                              - University Ghent, 28-29 April 2015

okt. 2017                                Member Midterm review committee Research Masters Asian Studies and Middle Eastern Studies, Universiteit Leiden

                                                Chair Midterm review committee Research Master Classics and Ancient Civilizations, Universiteit Leiden

2018-2019                             Member peerreview committee ERC starting grants SSH 2019

2020 Member peerreview committee NWO

2021 - 2022 Member VENI peer review committee NWO

July 2022 Member peerreview committee assessment LDE collaboration (Leiden, Delft, Erasmus University)


research experience abroad (after PhD)

from 1993                             member of Groupe de Recherche sur la Syntaxe Grecque (CNRS no. 1038) 

experience education

-   1 year: Greek Grammar Plato Ion, Herodotos, Homeros; ICT-course 

-    2 year: Greek linguistitcs and general linguistics 

-    3 and 4 year: linguistics (particles, tempora et modi); Thucydides; rhetorical prose; Aeschylus’ Septem

-    minor: basic course Ancient Greek; advanced course Ancient Greek; Highlights classical literature 

-    Bachelor: Greek Grammar, Greek text, language and interpretation, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Aristophanis 

-    Master: seminar commentary

-    supervision BA and MA theseis 

-    post doc: many courses for teachers secondary school and PhD students


editorial boards and scientific fora

-    Kühner-colloquium (1986), Hellenisic workshops (biannual from 1992; editorial board Hellenistica Groningana); organisator 6th International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics, University of Groningen, 27-29 juni 2007 (Discourse cohesion)

-    member educational board  Lampas. Tijdschrift voor Classici.

- peer reviewer for Brill (Huffman, A. & J. Davis. Language: communication and human behavior. )The linguistic essays of William Diver. Leiden/New York Brill 2011)

- peer reviewer Classical Quarterly en Journal of Pragmatics (regularly, 2008- )

- member (externa expert) Board of Electors, Professor of Comparative Philology University of Cambridge (sept.- dec. 2015)

- reviewer grant application SSHRC Insight Grant proposal, SSH Research Council Canada (jan. 2016)

Anomymous blind peer reviewer Adverbes et participes en grec ancien t.b.v. Presses Universitaires de Rouen (mei 2017)

Peer reviewcommittee ERC starting grants SSH 2019

Peer reviewcommittee VENI (NWO) 2021-2022



1 daily supervisor

a Copromotor. Susanne Schoof, Nonfinite Verbal Complements in Latin. Diss. 2004

b Copromotor daily supervisor of Stéphanie Bakker, The Noun Phrase in Ancient Greek. A functional analysis of the order and articulation of NP constituents in Herodotus. . Ppromotiedatum: 10 mei 2007. Promotor: prof. Dr. M.A. Harder

c Copromotor and daily supervisor. Renée van Meurs, KCV. Een eerste evaluatie. Geplande promotiedatum: najaar 2007. Promotor: prof.dr. M. van der Kamp (gestorven 6 juli 2007), maart 2008

d promotor F.J. Berghuis (together with G.H. van Kooten) Divine Descent. Rhetoric, Linguistics and Philosophical Theology in Origen, Contra Celsum 4.1-22. (date 10 sept. 2020)

e promotor Sander Orriëns. The perfect in Ancient Greek

f promotor/daily supervisor Greta Zella (Nov. 2021-2025)



member reading committee:

a 25 - 03 -  2004 external examiner, University of Cambridge, van Joanna Willmott (The moods in Homeric Greek: a synchronic analysis from a diachronic perspective. Cambridge 2003)

b Willeon Slenders KUN

c Ekateria Ilyuschenkina

c Richard Faure

d. Klaas Bentein (University Ggent)

e. Samuel Zanowski (2017)

f. Arjan Nijk (cum laude reviewer) (2019)

g. Martha Merino Hernandez, (2021)

h. Ezra la Roi (2023)


Member of the opposition 

Monique van Rossum-Steenkamp

Marietta Ioannidou

Burkhardt Scherer

Iris Schmakeit

Corien Bary (2009)

Katrin Stöppelkamp (2011)

E. Koier (27 March 2013)

J. Bloemert (Nov 2019)

M. van der Schuur (28 Oct. 2021)




Last modified:06 December 2024 2.58 p.m.