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Biomechanical assessment of mandibular fracture fixation using finite element analysis validated by polymeric mandible mechanical testing

Semi-automated finite element analyses of surgically treated acetabular fractures to investigate the biomechanical behaviour of patient-specific compared to conventional implants

A New Method to Compute Transition Probabilities in Multi-Stable Stochastic Dynamical Systems: Application to the Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation

Optimisation of osteosynthesis positioning in mandibular body fracture management using finite element analysis

Symbiotic Ocean Modeling Using Physics-Controlled Echo State Networks

Application of adaptive multilevel splitting to high-dimensional dynamical systems

A staggered‐grid multilevel incomplete LU for steady incompressible flows

Snowball Earth Bifurcations in a Fully-Implicit Earth System Model

Numerical bifurcation analysis of marine ice sheet models

Transition Probabilities of Noise-induced Transitions of the Atlantic Ocean Circulation

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