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How could employing the patient perspective transform pharmacovigilance?

The role of co-morbidities in the development of an AEFI after COVID-19 vaccination in a large prospective cohort with patient-reported outcomes in the Netherlands

The Therapeutic Potential of Essential Oils in Managing Inflammatory Skin Conditions: A Scoping Review

Validation of a Novel Method to Assess the Clinical Quality of Information in Pregnancy-Related Pharmacovigilance Case Reports: A ConcePTION Project

Analysis of Safety Concerns on Herbal Products with Assumed Phytoestrogenic Activity

Safety assessment and adverse drug reaction reporting of tea tree oil (Melaleuca aetheroleum)

Adverse Drug Reactions of Intranasal Corticosteroids in the Netherlands: An Analysis from the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Center

Analysis of Reports on Adverse Drug Reactions Related to Herbal Medicinal Products and Herbal Supplements in the Netherlands Received by the National Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb

Hypoglycaemia following JAK inhibitor treatment in patients with diabetes

Gelijktijdig gebruik van zuclopentixol en ayurvedische producten: Veilig of niet?

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