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dr. F.J. (Frans) Sijtsma

Director Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development / Associate Professor Faculty of Spatial Sciences


Ecological impact and cost-effectiveness of wildlife crossings in a highly fragmented landscape: A multi-method approach

Multi-scale mapping of cultural ecosystem services in a socio-ecological landscape: A case study of the international Wadden Sea Region

Mixed monetary and non-monetary valuation of attractive urban green space: A case study using Amsterdam house prices

Meeting places and social capital supporting rural landscape stewardship: A Pan-European horizon scanning

Understanding Added Value in Integrated Transport Planning: Exploring the Framework of Intelligence, Design and Choice

From fun to function: PPGIS unlocks the power of play in cities

Limits to participation in road infrastructure planning: Which choices do citizens make when their valued landscapes are under pressure?

Size matters! Using conjoint analysis to uncover public preferences for design optimisation in road infrastructure EIAs

TriWadWalks: enriching knowledge and understanding through immersive engagement with the Wadden Sea landscape

Depopulation and ecological degradation, two dimensions of marginalization, and peripheralization. Ecosystem integrity as an assessment factor in local revitalization

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Nieuwe nachttrein naar Berlijn: 'We werken hard aan meer bestemmingen'

New night train to Berlin: ‘We are working hard on more destinations’

Is de Lelylijn vooral een wens van het Noorden?

Lelylijn van Groningen naar de Randstad? 'Vooral het noorden wil heel graag'

Nieuwe tool om duurzaamheid projecten te toetsen in de maak

Hoe duurzaam is je project? Je weet het in tien minuten!

Greenmapper brengt aantrekkelijke natuur in beeld

Plan sneltreinlijn staat al jaren stil

Onderzoek toont aan: faunapassages dragen bij aan biodiversiteit

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