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dr. F.J. (Frans) Sijtsma

Director Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development / Associate Professor Faculty of Spatial Sciences

Name: Dr Frans J. Sijtsma

Dr FRANS J. SIJTSMA (1964) is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen. Sijtsma studied Economics at the University of Groningen and in the early years of his career worked at the international research department of the AmroBank (currently ABN-AMRO) in Amsterdam.  He held a position as coordinator of the Science Shop for Economics and Business, and worked at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). Sijtsma holds a PhD in Economics since 2006 and his thesis was entitled Project evaluation, sustainability and accountability: Combining Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA). 

At the Faculty of Spatial Sciences Sijtsma is currently leading the research program ‘Nature and spatial change’. He publishes and teaches subjects in economic geography, and valuation of nature and landscape and evaluation of spatial plans and projects. He develops innovative ways of valuation within the contexts of regional economic development, urban and regional spatial planning and protected area governance. Sijtsma chairs the Sustainable Landscapes research group of the University of Groningen.

Personal page on University website:  

Personal page on Google Scholar:

Sustainable Landscapes website:  

Key publications Frans Sijtsma:

Sijtsma F.J., E. van der Veen, A. van Hinsberg, R. Pouwels, R. Bekker, R.E. van Dijk, M. Grutters, R. Klaassen, M. Krijn, M. Mouissie, E. Wymenga (2020). Ecological impact and cost-effectiveness of wildlife crossings in a highly fragmented landscape: a multi-method approach. Landscape Ecology. 34(7), 1751-1768. DOI :10.1007/s10980-019-00841-8
Sijtsma, F.J., Mehnen, N., Angelstam P. Muñoz-Rojas J. (2019). Multi-scale mapping of cultural ecosystem services in a socio-ecological landscape: A case study of the international Wadden Sea Region. Landscape Ecology 34(7), 1751-1768. DOI :10.1007/s10980-019-00841-8
M.N. Daams, F.J. Sijtsma, P. Veneri (2019). Mixed monetary and non-monetary valuation of attractive urban green space: a case study using Amsterdam house prices. Ecological Economics
Bijker, R. A., & Sijtsma, F. J. (2017). A portfolio of natural places: Using a participatory GIS tool to compare the appreciation and use of green spaces inside and outside urban areas by urban residents. Landscape and Urban Planning, 158, 155–165. Davis, N., Daams, M., Sijtsma, F. J., & van Hinsberg, A. (2016). How deep is your love - of nature? A psychological and spatial analysis of the depth of feelings towards Dutch nature areas. Applied Geography, 77, 38–48.
Daams, M. N., Sijtsma, F. J., & van der Vlist, A. J. (2016). The effect of natural space on nearby property prices: Accounting for perceived attractiveness. Land Economics, 92(3), 389–410.
De Vries, S., Buijs, A., Langers, F., Farjon, H., van Hinsberg, A., & Sijtsma, F. J. (2013). Measuring the attractiveness of Dutch landscapes: Identifying national hotspots using Google Maps. Applied Geography, 45, 220–229. (5-year Impact Factor 3.4: Scholar citations: 43)
Sijtsma, F. J., C.M. van der Heide and A. van Hinsberg (2013). Beyond monetary measurement: How to evaluate projects and policies using the ecosystem services framework.  Environmental Science and Policy, Volume 32, October 2013, Pages 14–25.
Sijtsma, F.J., H. Farjon, S. van Tol, A. van Hinsberg, P. van Kampen and Arjen Buijs (2013). Evaluation of landscape changes - Enriching the economist's toolbox with the Hotspotindex. In: W. Heijman, & C. M. J. v. d. Heide (Eds.), The Economic Value of Landscapes. Chapter 8, pp 136-164. London: Routledge.
Daams, M.N., & F.J. Sijtsma (2013). Planting the SEED: Towards a spatial economic ecological database for a shared understanding of the Dutch Wadden area. Journal of Sea Research, 82, (Sept.), 153–164.
Sijtsma, F.J., M.N. Daams, H. Farjon and A.E. Buijs, (2012). Deep feelings around a shallow coast. A spatial analysis of tourism jobs and the attractivity of nature in the Dutch Waddenarea. Ocean and Coastal Management, 68 (2012), November, pp138-148. DOI:
Strijker, D., Sijtsma, F. J., & Wiersma, D. (2000). Evaluation of nature conservation: An application to the Dutch ecological network. Environmental and Resource Economics, 16(4), (Aug.), 363–373. 

Last modified:15 July 2022 1.10 p.m.