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Dry powder inhalation, part 1: Ancient history and precursors to modern dry powder inhalers

Dry powder inhalation, part 2: the present and future

Tolerability and pharmacokinetic evaluation of inhaled dry powder hydroxychloroquine in healthy volunteers

Geïnhaleerde levodopa voor het couperen van OFF-fases bij de ziekte van Parkinson

Natural and bioinspired excipients for dry powder inhalation formulations

The pharmacokinetics of antibiotics in cystic fibrosis

A comparative analysis of changes in pMDI drug dose delivery before and after detergent coating using five antistatic valved holding chambers

Automated Filling Equipment Allows Increase in the Maximum Dose to Be Filled in the Cyclops(R)High Dose Dry Powder Inhalation Device While Maintaining Dispersibility

Colistin dry powder inhalation with the Twincer (TM): An effective and more patient friendly alternative to nebulization

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