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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. F.F.A. IJpma


3D-assisted corrective osteotomies of the distal radius: a comparison of pre-contoured conventional implants versus patient-specific implants

3D surgical planning including patientspecific drilling guides for tibial plateau fractures: a prospective feasibility study

Advances of 3D printing technologies in orthopaedic trauma and surgical training: a transformative approach

Costs of fracture-related infection: the impact on direct hospital costs and healthcare utilisation

Development of patient-specific osteosynthesis including 3D-printed drilling guides for medial tibial plateau fracture surgery

Incisional Wound Irrigation for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis

Is patient-reported outcome after treatment of unstable pelvic ring injuries related to pelvic symmetry?: A prospective study

Let’s Agree to Disagree on Operative Versus Nonoperative Treatment for Distal Radius Fractures in Older People: Protocol for a Prospective International Multicenter Cohort Study

Nonoperative treatment of multiple rib fractures, the results to beat: International multicenter prospective cohort study among 845 patients

Pre-operative virtual three-dimensional planning for proximal humerus fractures: A proof-of-concept study

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UMCG-traumapatiënten halen finish 4 Mijl en halen duizend euro op voor goed doel

Een plaat op maat? Dit is hoe het UMCG een passende oplossing vond voor de ingewikkelde hersteloperatie van het bekken