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Greenland Norse walrus exploitation deep into the Arctic

The use of ancient genomes to unveil the evolutionary history and social implications of Atlantic walruses hunting during the last 5000 years in the Arctic

Diverging harvesting strategies of Atlantic walruses: An intercontinental comparison

Holocene deglaciation drove rapid genetic diversification of Atlantic walrus

Past genomic diversity and population structure within Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) shaped by climate and human activities

Deciphering the history of the largest extant pinniped: A phylogenetic study of the Atlantic walrus

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Los vikingos llegaron a América antes de Cristóbal Colón, el motivo: buscaban marfil de morsa

Arctic Ivory Road Hunters of white gold: Vikings sailed to the Arctic

Vikings Sailed to The Ends of Earth to Search For Ivory, DNA Suggests

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