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University Medical Center Groningen

dr. E.I. (Esther) Metting

Assistant professor

Current main positions

Since 2021 Assistant professor eHealth University medical center Groningen

Since 2019 Assistant professor University of Groningen, faculty of economics and business

Other current positions

SOM Research fellow (research institute Faculty Economics and Business UoG)
Member of the Young Academy Groningen
Fellow of Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Guest Scientist Charité Berlin (Institute of Medical Informatics (IMI), Digitalization of Healthcare)
Member of the Groningen research Institue for asthma and COPD (GRIAC)
Member steering committee Digital Literacy Coalition
Ambasador Digital Literacy Jantina Tammes School pf Public Health
Member of the UCW (Universitaire Commissie Wetenschapsbeoefening) UoG

Past positions

2020-2022 Editor in chief. COPD asthma primary care advisory group (CAHAG) magazine

2017-2019        Postdoc researcher. UMCG, department of Primary Care

2018-2019        Project leader eHealth in a large health care organization. Certe laboratory

2019                   Teacher applied psychology. Hanze University Groningen

2012-2017        PhD candidate. UMCG

2009-2012        Several scientific internships in the UMCG including at the “Wetenschapswinkel”


2020                   University Teaching Certificate (UTQ/BKO). University of Groningen

2012                   Basic course for clinical investigators  (BROK) certificate, renewed in 2020. UMCG

2012                   Master Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology. University of Groningen

2019                   Epidemiologist B. Stichting opleiding Medisch-Biologisch Wetensch. Onderzoeker

2010-2012        Bachelor and master Psychology. University of Groningen



Awards:            Bonus for excellent work, Board of Directors UMCG 2018. Best abstract IPCRG Porto 2018. Best abstract ERS London 2016. Top publication award: SHARE 2015. Most relevant study: Longfonds 2013

Media:               Expert reflection report on COVID-19 for Dutch Ministry of Health “lessons learned,” Farma magazine, Radio 1 “Dit was de dag”, Radio 1 “Nieuws&co”, WNL Goedemorgen Nederland, RTV Noord radio and TV, Dagblad van het Noorden newspaper and live broadcast, Magazine De Praktijkondersteuner, CAHAG bulletin, Reformatorisch Dagblad, Financiëel Dagblad. NOS news webpage

Conferences:  I have initiated and Organized an interdisciplinairy eHealth conference 7 March 2024 in Groningen. I was the main organiser of the International Inhaler Research Workgroup conference 2018 (200 delegates). I was involved in the organization of the International IPCRG conferences in 2018 and 2019, and in the organization of the Dutch NHG-CAHAG conferences in 2019 and 2017. As representative of the Reumapatiëntenvereniging Groningen, I was organising an informative and interactive patient eHealth symposium in the UMCG, together with northern representatives of the Dutch Lung foundation, Harteraad Noord and the Diabetes foundation. This symposium is postponed due to COVID-19


Invited/keynote speaker

2024 Fysiek Digital Society Conference

2024 Online Netherlands Respiratory Society

2023 Fysiek Nederlandse Oncologiedagen

2020                   Online                EHMA (European Health Management Association) panel discussion “Value Based Healthcare: what how and why?”

2019                   China                 Chest hospital conference (presentation eHealth/integrated care)

2019                   China                 Primary Care seminar (presentation eHealth, personalised health)

2018                   Portugal            IPCRG conference (presenting winning abstract inhaler technique)

2018                   Nederland        Longdagen (personalised care)

2018                   Nederland        Slotmanifestatie eHealth NFU (personalised digital health)

2018                   Nederland        CAHAG conferentie (presentation online shared decision making)

2018                   Nederland        Gr. Apothekers Vereniging (presentation inhaler technique)

2014                   Greece               IPCRG conference (decision tree analysis to predict diagnoses)


Invited lecturer

2020                   Asia                    IPCRG virtual research school (workshop qualitative research)

2019                   Bangladesh       Conference Lung Health (workshops eHealth, qualitative research)

2019                   Romania           IPCRG conference Health (workshop qualitative research)

2019                   Nederland        Doktersacademie (workshop inhaler technique)

2015                   UK                       European Lung Foundation (workshop patient involvement)

Peer reviewer: Journal of Medical Internet Research, Nature Primary Care Respiratory Journal, European  Respiratory Journal, Allergy, European Respiratory Journal Open Research, Trials, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde


Last modified:23 April 2024 8.27 p.m.