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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons A. Emeralda Gustria Sesari, MSc

Research interests

Software engineers discuss problems at work with peers. These problems can be technical (e.g., bug fix) and social (e.g., work allocation). In software engineering practice, management views knowledge of social interaction as crucial, to improve team member negotiations and resolve personality conflicts among developers. Fairness is a hallmark to keep engineers’ cooperative relationships with others. So, it is essential to understand what fairness aspects engineers care about. Do software engineers care more about fairness in income or treatment? Are software engineers more concerned about fairness in the decision, or in the decision-making processes? Does fairness problem have anything to do with the engineer’s protected attributes such as gender, age and nationality? These are some of the questions I am seeking to answer in my PhD research, altogether to understand fairness in human and social aspects of software engineering.