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Antibody desolvation with sodium chloride and acetonitrile generates bioactive protein nanoparticles

Design of Vaterite Nanoparticles for Controlled Delivery of Active Immunotherapeutic Proteins

Direct Functionalization of Polysaccharide-Based Xylan Phenyl Carbonate Nanoparticles with Tumor Cell Specific Antibodies

Novel high-yield potato protease inhibitor panels block a wide array of proteases involved in viral infection and crucial tissue damage

Targeting undruggable phosphatase overcomes trastuzumab resistance by inhibiting multi-oncogenic kinases

VISTA drives macrophages towards a pro-tumoral phenotype that promotes cancer cell phagocytosis yet down-regulates T cell responses

A luminescence-based method to assess antigen presentation and antigen-specific T cell responses for in vitro screening of immunomodulatory checkpoints and therapeutics

Basics of advanced therapy medicinal product development in academic pharma and the role of a GMP simulation unit

EGFR-selective activation of CD27 co-stimulatory signaling by a bispecific antibody enhances anti-tumor activity of T cells

Galectin-9 has non-apoptotic cytotoxic activity toward acute myeloid leukemia independent of cytarabine resistance

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Groningse CAR-T-celtherapie krijgt KWF-subsidie

2,6 miljoen subsidie voor revolutionair oncologie onderzoek

Miljoenensubsidie voor UMCG-onderzoek naar therapie voor uitbehandelde kankerpatiënten

UMCG ontvangt grote EU-subsidie voor onderzoek naar nieuwe immuuntherapie bij kanker

Grote EU-subsidie voor UMCG voor onderzoek naar CAR-T immuuntherapie bij kanker

Ruim 5 miljoen voor uniek Nederlands platform voor gen- en celtherapie

Ruim 5 miljoen voor cel- en gentherapie


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