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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ir. D. (Dirk) Wagenaar


A method to increase range probing interpretation accuracy in adaptive proton therapy

Feasibility of Monte Carlo dropout-based uncertainty maps to evaluate deep learning-based synthetic CTs for adaptive proton therapy

Towards linical sustainability of deep learning-based sCT models after CBCT image software upgrade

Assessment of residual geometrical errors of clinical target volumes and their impact on dose accumulation for head and neck radiotherapy

Spot scanning proton arc therapy reduces toxicity in oropharyngeal cancer patients

Advanced treatment planning: robust optimization and proton RBE

Can the mean linear energy transfer of organs be directly related to patient toxicities for current head and neck cancer intensity-modulated proton therapy practice?

Does the uncertainty in relative biological effectiveness affect patient treatment in proton therapy?

Head and neck IMPT probabilistic dose accumulation: Feasibility of a 2 mm setup uncertainty setting

The impact of beam setup on robustness and organs-at-risk dose in IMPT for lung cancer patients

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