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Policy Education & Students

Address:Broerstraat 5
9712 CP Groningen
The Netherlands


Bakker, drs. P.P.M.
Educational consultant - Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI & Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate
Berendes, D.
Management Office Assistant
Deugd, dr. N. de
Senior policy officer education
Hende, drs. F.M. van den
senior policy advisor and researcher (PhD)
Jurisic, I., MA
Communications Officer/Project Assistant Summer & Winter Schools Office
Kobes, dr. A.
Policy advisor
Meeuwsen, D.E.M.
Management/Office-assistant Secretariaat Strategy department Education & Students (SES)
Meijer, drs. C.J.F.
Sr. policy advisor educational strategy and quality assurance
Meima, drs. E.J.
Curriculum Developer
Munniksma, F., MSc
Policy advisor Student affairs
Roth, C.S., LLM
Policy advisor educational quality
Santing, drs. C.H.
Policy Advisor Quality Assurance
Spijk-Belanova, mr. T.N.
Project Leader Summer & Winter Schools
Starkenburg, drs. A.
Central Minor Coordinator
Veenkamp, drs. A.A.
Senior Policy Advisor Education and Students
Wolf, dr. L.B.
Policy advisor Education
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