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Sustainable Consortia & Alliances

Address:Broerstraat 5
9712 CP Groningen
The Netherlands


Deekens, G.E.
Secretary/ communications advisor University of the North
Degen, W.T.A., MSc
Head of Consortia and Alliances
Finkers, ir. H.J.
Advisor Contract Research and Project Development
Ham, I.T. van der
Projectdeveloper National Growthfund
Kampen, drs. P.R. van
Deputy director UGNWG
Lanting, mr. J.B.
Project developer - Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI
Ree, A. de
Advisor Research Funding EU
Teunissen, S.T., MA
Project leader Cluster Research & Impact
Zheng, drs. ir. W.
Scientific Coordinator Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development / Project Manager Research Strategy and Partnerships FSE
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