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Governance and Innovation

Bezoekadres:Wirdumerdijk 34
8911 CE Leeuwarden


Blauth, T.F., MSc
Boerma, prof. dr. E.C.
Hoogleraar Betekenisvolle preventieve zorg, vanwege de Stichting Topklinische Zorg Friesland
Bouman, dr. L.
Universitair Docent
Cavagnaro, dr. E.
Associate Professor of Responsible Leadership Development and Sustainability in Tourism
Doherty, H.L., LLM
Gstrein, O.J., Dr
Associate Professor 'Human Dignity in the Digital Age'; Programme Director BSc Data Science and Society; 'Data Autonomy' Theme Coordinator Jantina Tammes School; Deputy Department Head Governance and Innovation
Haleem, N., PhD
Assistant Professor, Data Science & Society
Huiskes, M.C., MA
Docent en promovendus
Schulz, K.A., Dr
Assistant Professor
Verkooijen, prof. dr. P.V.D.J.
Professor by special appointment
Yousefzadeh Faal Daghati, S.
Associate Professor, Intersectional Wellbeing and Decoloniality
Zande, dr. I.S.E. van der
Associate Professor Transformative Education & Applied Ethics; Director of Education Campus Fryslân
Zwitter, A.J., Prof
Professor of Political Theory and Governance / Chair of Governance and Innovation

PhD studenten

Han, X.
PhD student
Hoffman, drs. J.T.
PhD student
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