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Career Services and Corporate Relations

Bezoekadres:Nettelbosje 2
9747 AE Groningen


Berg, H.J. van den, MA
Internship Coordinator FEB
Boels, S.E., MSc
Trainer/Adviseur FEB Career Services
Boneschansker, B.J.
Junior teacher & Trainer professional and personal development
Byelova, K., MA MSc
Project Leader Learning Communities
Coffeng, drs. G.J.M.H.
Docent / Trainer / Coach
Glas-Petrova, E.A., MA
Student Wellbeing Officer FEB
Koster, K.J.M., MSc
Teamleider FEB Career Services and Corporate Relations
Laemers, S.A., MA
Teacher and trainer professional development
Luttikhuis, drs. G.W.M.
docent, trainer, coach
Schoevers, M.J.M., MSc
Docent en trainer professionele en persoonlijke ontwikkeling
Scholtens, dr. ir. S.
Academic teacher/trainer
Schouwstra, J.E.
Projectleider Career Services
Tavenier, drs. D.P.
docent Corporate Finance
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