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Kunstmatige Intelligentie

Bezoekadres:Nijenborgh 9
9747 AG Groningen


Carloni, R., Prof
Adjunct hoogleraar
Christoff, Z.L., PhD
Assistant Professor in Cognitive Artificial Intelligence
Cnossen, dr. F.
Directeur onderwijs Ba/Ma Kunstmatige Intelligentie/Computational Cognitive Science | UHD Cognitive Engineering
Dhali, M.A., Dr
Universitair docent Kunstmatige Intelligentie
Dibangoye, J.S., Prof
Hoogleraar Machine Learning
Grossi, D., Prof
Adjunct hoogleraar
Haile, T.M., PhD
Postdoc Researcher
Jones, S.M., PhD
Universitair Docent
Jong, I.P. de, MSc
Docent / Promovendus
Sabatelli, M., PhD
Assistant Professor
Sburlea, A.I., Dr
Assistant Professor in Human Centered Intelligence
Schoeffer, J.J., Dr
Assistant Professor
Sibert, C.L., Dr
Universitair Docent Human Computer Collaboration
Steging, dr. C.C.
Postdoctoral researcher
Valdenegro Toro, M.A., Dr
Assistant Professor for Machine Learning
Verheij, prof. dr. H.B.
Head of department AI, full professor, chair of AI & argumentation
Vogt, P.A., PhD
Universitair Hoofddocent
Vugt, dr. M.K. van
Universitair Hoofddocent Cognitive Modeling
Weindel, G.M., PhD
Postdoctoral researcher

PhD studenten

Chen, Y.
PhD student
Li, D.
PhD student
Li, L.L.
PhD student
Pan, J.
PhD student
Wang, Y.
PhD student
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